Wednesday 4 February 2009

New schedule

As I have not been posting blogs regularly over the Christmas period and through January I have worked out a schedule to make up for lost time.
I am going to write 5 blogs a week documenting at least 10hours of practice time in all, i plan to break this practice time up between learning new tunes and scales (which will include recording new material), practicing old material (scales and tunes) and music theory ie writing out scores, learning notation and how it relates to the keys on the Saxaphone.
I am aiming to do 3-4hours of music theory per weeks 3-4hours of practicing previously learned material and 3-4hours learning new material. For example a typical week would work out like this;
Monday - 1hr Practicing old material
1hr Theory
Tuesday - 2hrs Learning new Material
Wednesday - 1hr Practicing old material
1hr Theory
Thursday - 1hr Practicing old Material
1hr Learning new material
Friday - 1hr Theory
1hour New material (recording tunes and scales learned through the week)

I think this method will keep me motivated and interested as i will not be doing the same thing everyday.
As i have Done 3hours previously this week i will Aim to do another 7hours by monday.

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