Monday 2 February 2009

Major Pentatonic on F and Minor Pentatonic on G (click to listen, sorry if audio is very quiet)

Practicing all Grade 1 Scales and previously learned Grade 2 Scales (Dorian on A, Mixolydian on F) - 30min
Testing myself on notation and reading music - 20min
Learning New Grade 2 Scales (Major Pentatonic on F and Minor Pentatonic on G) - 20min
Recording Grade 2 scales - 15min
Total time - 1hr 25min

In this practice i focussed on practising scales and testing myself on notation. I also learned 2 new Grade 2 Scale (Dorian on A, Mixolydian on F) which can be viewed on the previous blog and heard by clicking the link at the top of the page.
I practiced reading music by looking at the score to my scales and reading out the notes then playing the scales by memory. I need to keep practicing this as it is what i struggle most with.
there is only 1 more Grade 2 Scale to learn which is Dmajor, 2 octaves, which i will aim to record in my newxt blog. I also need to buy the Grade 2 Jazz book and start leaning the tunes out of there.

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