Thursday 5 February 2009

2hrs New Material. Sonny Moon For Two (click to listen)

Learning Sombrero Sam - 45min
Learning and recording Sonny Moon For Two - 1hr 15min
Total time - 2hrs

Today i learnt new material for 2 hours. I First learned Sombrero Sam which is one of the more challenging tunes in the grade one book, it has awkward timing and off key notes which i have struggled with, i aim to record this by the end of the week. I also learnt and recorded Sonny Moon For Two, this tune is also quite challenging in the way that it changes between octaves very quickly, there are also lots of instrumental gaps in the tune and quite a long improvisation section which made this tune quite challening to learn and record. The grade 2 book should be arriving on monday so i am hoping to record the last few tunes in the grade 1 book by then befor moving on.

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