Saturday 14 February 2009

1hr Practise, 1hr Theory

Practising previously learnt material - 1hr
Music theory - 1hr

Today i ran through all previously learnt material, all grade 1 songs, scales, arpeggios and all the grade 2 material i have already learnt. I repeated phrases which i struggled with until i was confident with them and andy notes that souded off i double checked in the score.
I also learnt and practised music theory for an hour, i looked through my sax book and tried to read the music without refering to any notes, i then found a good mucis theory webite which has handy test on timing and notes which i practices for half an hour, a couple of examples of my results from these test are shown below;
Rhythem test on medium (top), Note names on Medium (Middle), Rhythem testing on Hard (Bottom)

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