Sunday 14 December 2008

Mixolydian on D scale and Dminor Arpeggio and Las Vagas tango (click here to listen)

Practising Grade 1 Scales and Arpeggios, 20mins
Leaning and recording Mixolydian on D scale and Dminor Arpeggio. 40mins
Practising and recording Las Vegas Tango 45min
Started to Learning Sonnymoon for two 20min
Total time 2hr 05min.
After Practising for a while and learning Las Vegas tango i realised i can now play low D, this could be because of my breathing excersizes or simply because im progressing. I can now play all of the grade one scales and Arpeggios. I have also started Learning Sonnymoon for 2, whch i hope to record by the end of next week.

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