Wednesday 15 July 2009

Blog for Tuesday 14/07/09

the following blogs are my referal to complete the allocated number of hours required for my Conplimentory studies module.

3hrs - Catch up
20min- writing post.
i Spent 30 mins cleaning my saxaphone as it hasnt been used for over a month because i have been on holiday, i then spend another 30-45 mins reading previous blogs, looking through my Sax books and planning what i am going to practice over the up and coming weeks. During this practice i ran through all grade on scales and arpegios.
Dorian on G
Mixolydian on D
F Major
Minor Pentatonic on A
G Major
D Minor
as well as improvising without any practice books

Tuesday 3 March 2009

30mins old material, 1hr30mins Newmaterial (Things are getting Better) click to listen

Previous Material - 30mins
New material - 1hr 30mins

Today i spent 30mins warming up with my previouslt learned scales and by playing the tunes i can resite without my music books, i then learnt and recorded 'Things are Getting Better' i am not entirely satisfied with the recording and struggled recording a full take i could use, i will be recording Second Shot in my next practice.

Thursday 26 February 2009

1hr New material

New material - 1hr
Total time - 1hr
I spent another hour perfecting 'Things are getting better' i am comfortable with recording this now so i will be doing so in my next session along with 'Second Shot' which i learned in the previous session.

I will also upload photo's of the 2 songs when i get hold of a camera.

blog for Monday, 1hr previous Material, 1hr New material

Learning new material - 1hr
Practicing old material - 1hr
As i have been very busy the last week i will need to catch up on some missed blogs, this blog is for Monday the 23rd Febuary as my internet has been down. I practiced previous Material for an hour and learned another new material tune as well, the tune was 'Second Shot' The grade tunes are obviously more challenging than the grade one material with complex breathing, sustaining notes, and fast sections. It is therefor taking longer to learn each tune, i plan to record this new tune in my next session.

Wednesday 18 February 2009

1hr Previous, 1hrNew material

The first hour of my session today was running threw all my previously learnt material. i ran through the grade 1 cd and playes all the songs along with the cd, i will be uploading some tunes with me playing to a backing track in later sessions. I also ran through all scales and arpegios, repeating the over until i felt happy with them.
The second hour was learning new material, i leanrt the song Things Are Getting Better, i didnt record the song as it is fairly difficult, i will upload this tune in the next New Material practise.

Monday 16 February 2009

2hrs new material. Old Joe Clark (click to listen)

Learning new material - 2hrs
Total time - 2hrs

Today i spent the whole 2 hours learning and recording the tune 'Old Joe Clark' which is the second tune in my Grade 2 book. The tune is fairly challenging with rapid changes between notes, sticcato note and also quiet sections which challenged my breathing skills.

Saturday 14 February 2009

1hr Practise, 1hr Theory

Practising previously learnt material - 1hr
Music theory - 1hr

Today i ran through all previously learnt material, all grade 1 songs, scales, arpeggios and all the grade 2 material i have already learnt. I repeated phrases which i struggled with until i was confident with them and andy notes that souded off i double checked in the score.
I also learnt and practised music theory for an hour, i looked through my sax book and tried to read the music without refering to any notes, i then found a good mucis theory webite which has handy test on timing and notes which i practices for half an hour, a couple of examples of my results from these test are shown below;
Rhythem test on medium (top), Note names on Medium (Middle), Rhythem testing on Hard (Bottom)
