Sunday 25 January 2009

Nodoby Knows The Trouble I've Seen (click to listen)

Grade 2 Scales and Arpeggio, Mixolydian on F, Dorian on A, Arpeggio F Major - This order in audio clip. (click to listen)

Running through grade 1 scales, Dorian on G, Mixolydian on D, Cmajor, F Major and Minor Pentatonic on A, - 15min
Running throgh Grade one Arpeggios, G Major and D Minor - 5min
Practicing 'Nobody Knows The Trouble I've Seen' - 30min
Learning 'Short Stop' - 30min
Recordning 'Nobody Knows The Trouble I've Seen' - 20min
Learning new Grade 2 Scales and Arpeggios - 15min
Recordning Grade 2 Scales and Arpeggios - 10min
Total time - 2hr05min

I have aquired a music stand and bought a Sax stand to make practicing easier.

I have also been given 2 new Jazz sax books, 'Creative Saxophone' which focuses on jazz improvisation for beginners, and 'It dont mean a thing' which has 10 Jazz Saxophone tunes to play along with a cd, i will start to work through these books in the next few practices.

In todays practice after running through all previous material i learned a new tune, ' 'Short Stop', I have recorded 'Nobody Knows The Trouble I've Seen' but i didnt record 'Short Stop' as i havnt perfected it yet. To listen to 'Nobody Knows The Trouble I've Seen' click the title of the blog above this one, there are also pictures of the 2 tunes.

I Also leanred 2 new scales,
Dorian on A - A, B, C, D, E, Fsharp, G, A, G, Fsharp, E, D, C, B, A
Mixolydian on F - F, G, A, Bb, C, D, Eb, F, Eb, D, C, Bb, A, G, F
And 1 New Arpeggio,
F Major - F, A, C, F, C, A, F
I will learn and record the rest of the Grade 2 Scales and arpeggios within the next 4weeks.

Monday 19 January 2009

'Jean Pierre' recording (click to listen)

Mac the Knife re-recording (click to listen)

Practicing previous material - 30min
Practicing 'Mac the knife and 'Jean Pierre' - 30min
Recording 'Mac the knife and 'Jean Pierre' - 30min
Today, as always, i ran through all the previously learned material, scales, arpeggios and tunes. I have re-recorded 'Mac the Knife' and i have also recorded 'Jean Pierre'.
Next practise i will be learning some second grade scales and another Grade one tune.

Saturday 10 January 2009

Learning Jean Pierre and practising previous material.

Practising grade 1 scales and arpeggios - 20min
learning Jean Pierre - 40min
Improvisaton and practising soloing - 30min
Total time 1hr 30min
Today after running through scales and arpeggios i continued trying to perfect 'Mack the Knife' and learned a new tune called 'Jean Pierre' which i am hoping to perfect by next practise and post an audio clip of both tunes.

Thursday 8 January 2009

Mack the Knife. (click here to listen)

Running threw Arpeggios and scales- 20min
Running threw 'Las Vegas Tango and 'Sonny Moon' 20min
Learning 'Mack the knife'- 45min
Recording 'Mack the knife'- 15min
General practicing, improvisation etc 20min
Total time - 2hr

After running threw all previous material and practicing improvisation i decided to learn 'Mack the Knife'. I havnt fully perfected playing it yet and will upload a new recording on a later blog once i have.

Wednesday 7 January 2009

Practising all previous material.

Running through all grade one arpeggios and scales- 30min
Playing all previously learnt solo’s and tunes- 45 min
Total time 1hr 15min

As I haven’t been practising for the last 2 weeks I thoroughly worked threw all the Scales, arpeggios and tunes I have learnt previously to get back up to scratch. In my next practise I will continue learning and recording the grade 1 tunes.
